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Steve Guerdat

Steve's look back on the weekend at CSI-W in Zurich

Monday 1 February 2016
 Albführen’s Happiness (C) copyright Tyf Van Halle
Albführen’s Happiness (C) copyright Tyf Van Halle

On Friday evening, Steve decided to saddle Corbinian for the Grand Prix, and he remained flawless except for just one small fault at the very last obstacle. However, this annoying fault prevented the entry into the jump-off.

But previously on the day Steve had reached the 2nd place with Albführen's Happiness in the competition of the Top 40, which counts for the world rankings.

In the World Cup GP on Sunday Corbinian committed two faults in the normal course, unfortunately.

Nevertheless Steve in the morning jumped for a nice victory with Albführen's Happiness in the int. relay jumping competition. And the promising young Bianca stayed again clear in 135cm and 140cm competitions

Steve's sponsors and horse owners honored
On Saturday afternoon Urs E. Schwarzenbach, owner of Nino des Buissonnets, received as part of the ceremony at CSI Zurich the Award "Owner of the Year". The goldmedalist horse of the Olympic Games of London 2012 again won the most prize money in 2015.

A big thank you to my horse owners and sponsors for their great support - without them nothing would be possible!


Hofgut Albführen
CHC Horses


Land Rover
Voltaire Design


Parlanti Roma
Artionet Web Agency
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