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Steve Guerdat

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

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JO Tokyo 2020

Tokyo Olympics: Happy Birthday Nino and the end
8 August 2021

Tokyo Olympics: Happy Birthday Nino and the end

While it is impossible to pass this August 8 without thinking of Nino des Buissonnets who celebrates today the 9th anniversary of his Olympic medal in London, let's look back ...

Olympic Games in Tokio: and off we go - let's go, swiss show jumpers!
29 July 2021

Olympic Games in Tokio: and off we go - let's go, swiss show jumpers!

Nun ist es soweit: Nach vielen Monaten des Wartens, der Zweifel und offenen Fragen finden die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio statt. Die Olympischen Spiele, wie wir sie kennen ...

Off to Tokyo!
27 July 2021

Off to Tokyo!

On Monday evening, 26 July, Steve leaves home, fully equipped, to meet the Swiss team at Zurich airport to fly to Tokyo for his 5th Olympic Games.

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